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General terms and conditions

SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune

1 rue de la république 93200 SAINT-DENIS

SIRET : 983 803 891 00024

APE : 7990 Z – IM093240003

SPL with capital of €190,000

Intracommunity VAT: FR 57983803891

Financial guarantee: APST 15 avenue Carnot – 75017 Paris

Liability insurance: GENERALI IARD – 2 rue Pillet-Will – 75009 Paris


In accordance with article R211.4 of the French Tourism Code, these special terms and conditions of sale are intended to inform customers of SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune prior to signing the contract.

In accordance with article L211.9 of the French Tourism Code, this pre-contractual information will form an integral part of the contract and may only be modified by express agreement between the parties.

These CPV may be modified and updated by SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune at any time. The applicable CPV are those in force at the time of the order. The present CPV are communicated to the customer at the time of booking a service with SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune and can be consulted and downloaded from the website: www.pop-plainecommune.com.

Article 1: Formation of the contract

1.1 General terms and conditions

Booking any of the tourist services (accommodation, transport, stays, guided tours, ticketing, etc.) offered by SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune implies unreserved acceptance of the provisions of our special terms and conditions of sale (CGV/CPV).

1.2 – Formation of contract

For purchases of services on the www.tourisme-plainecommune-paris.com website, the order is finalized directly by the customer, and the order confirmation is automatically generated once full payment has been received for the service(s) purchased. Outside the website, all booking requests must be sent in writing to SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, either on site, by e-mail to servicegroupe@plainecommunetourisme.com, or by post to SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, 1 rue de la république, 93200 SAINT-DENIS. All orders will be considered final only after :

– on the one hand, receipt of the completed, dated and signed reservation contract or validation of the order form via our website using the online registration procedure, subject to confirmation by SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, taking into account technical feasibility, available places and, where applicable, a minimum number of participants. The elements of the contract or proposal relating to the customer’s particular requests take precedence over those appearing in the present CPV without prejudice to the texts in force.

– and secondly, receipt of the balance for all bookings made less than 15 working days before the start of the service.

– and in all other cases in accordance with the CPV from article 20 of the present CGV/CPV.

Article 2 : Liability

Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, which offers services to a customer, is the customer’s sole interlocutor and is answerable to the customer for the performance of all services in accordance with these CGV/CPV. The Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune is fully responsible for the performance of the services provided for in the contract, whether these services are performed by itself or by other service providers, and is required to provide assistance to the customer in difficulty in accordance with the terms of article R221-10 (useful information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance, to make long-distance communications and to find other travel services). SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune cannot be held responsible for booking errors attributable to the customer or caused by exceptional and unavoidable circumstances, for total or partial non-performance of the services ordered in a case of force majeure as defined in article 6.3 of the present CPV, for the act of a third party, for poor performance of its obligations by the customer, or in the event of fault on the part of the latter. The customer shall inform SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, as soon as possible given the circumstances of the case, of any non-conformity noted during the performance of a travel service included in the contract. SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune may not be held liable for damages of any kind that may result from the temporary unavailability of the site or an interruption in the customer’s connection during the registration, reservation or payment process. If one of the travel services is not performed in accordance with the contract, SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will remedy the non-conformity, unless this is impossible or involves disproportionate costs, taking into account the importance of the non-conformity and the value of the travel services concerned. If SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune does not remedy the non-conformity within the reasonable period set by the customer, the latter may remedy the non-conformity himself and claim reimbursement of the necessary expenses.

Article 3 : Withdrawal

The 14-day right of withdrawal does not apply to tourist packages and other tourist travel and leisure services not included in the package (ticketing, guided tours, etc.) which are supplied on a specific date or during a specific period, in application of article L221-28 of the French Consumer Code.

Article 4 : Duration of the service

The customer who signs the contract concluded for a specific period may not, under any circumstances, claim to remain in the premises after the end of the service.

Article 5 : Arrival – Lateness

The customer must arrive on the day and at the time indicated on the booking contract. In the event of an unforeseen delay caused by the customer, the guide will wait for his group at the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune. If the delay exceeds 30 minutes, the group leader will decide whether or not to continue with the visit. He/she must therefore inform the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune and keep it informed of his/her arrival time. If the visit is maintained, the delay will be deducted from the initially scheduled visit time. On the other hand, if the group cancels, the balance of the tour will be due in full. Postponement is not possible.

Article 6 : Prices

All prices are quoted in euros and include VAT. The activities of travel agencies and tour operators are subject to value-added tax (VAT) in accordance with article 256 of the French General Tax Code (CGI). Unless otherwise stipulated in a service description and confirmed in the contract, the following are not included in the price: personal expenses, insurance, optional services not included in the service description and, where applicable, tourist tax. All prices have been calculated according to economic conditions prevailing in January 2024. They may be modified if economic conditions and our service providers’ rates change. In all cases, prices will be confirmed at the time of booking. A handling fee will be added to the price of the service:

> Lecture tours, guided walks and tourist packages: €20.00 (incl. VAT) per booking.

Article 7 : Unused or partially used services

No reimbursement will be made for any Service interrupted, shortened or not consumed by a Customer for any reason whatsoever. No reimbursement will be made in the event of loss of the definitive Ticket or failure to present the Counterfoil on the day of the Event. Any delay or no-show is considered as a withdrawal and will not give rise to any reimbursement.

Article 8: Supplements and modifications by the customer

The customer may not, without the prior agreement of the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, modify the course of the Service. Any service not included in the tour specified on the booking form will be paid for directly by the customer to the service provider, who will be solely responsible for the proper execution of the service.

Article 9: Modifications by the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune

When Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune is obliged to make a minor modification to one of the essential elements of the contract before the scheduled date of the service, as a result of an external event for which it is responsible, such as a price increase, the customer may, after having been informed by Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune as soon as possible in a clear and written manner (by post or e-mail):

> either cancel the contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of any sums paid, without penalty;

> or accept the modification or substitution of the element(s) proposed by the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune: an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made will then be signed by both parties, without entitlement to any additional compensation. The customer must inform Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune of the chosen option as soon as possible, and within 48 hours at the latest, failing which he/she is deemed to have accepted the modifications.

In the case of major modifications, or modifications that result in a price increase of 8%, the customer will be informed as soon as possible, clearly and in writing, of the consequences of the modification on the price of the stay, and will be given the opportunity to give his opinion and the consequences of failing to reply within this period. If the modifications to the contract or the substitute service result in a reduction in the quality or cost of the trip or stay, the customer is entitled to an appropriate price reduction.

If the contract is terminated and the customer does not accept an alternative service, SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will reimburse all payments made by the customer as soon as possible and in any event no later than fourteen days after the contract is terminated, without prejudice to compensation in application of article L 211-17 of the French Tourism Code.

Article 10: Inability of the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune to provide the services and rates defined in the contract during the course of the service provided

If, during the course of a service, the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune is unable to provide all the services stipulated in the contract, it will offer the customer either a substitute service or reimbursement for the services not provided.

Article 11: Cancellation by the customer: groups, individuals and groups made up of individuals

In accordance with article L. 211-14, I of the French Tourism Code, the customer may cancel the contract at any time before the start of the service, subject to compliance with the following procedure and refund conditions:

– Any partial or total cancellation must be notified by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt to infos@plainecommunetourisme.com or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to : SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, 1 rue de la République – 93200 SAINT-DENIS.

– Cancellations of tourist services and cancellation/resolution fees are established in accordance with the specific conditions herein.

– A partial cancellation corresponds to a reduction in one of the elements of the service. The prorata rule will be applied on the basis of the compensation terms set out in the specific conditions for each service.

– These provisions do not apply when an amicable agreement has been reached between SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune and the customer.

Article 12 : Cancellation by Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune

If Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune cancels the service before the date of the event, it must inform the customer in writing, subject to acknowledgement of receipt indicating that the cancellation has been taken into account. The customer will be reimbursed for any sums paid, without prejudice to any claims for damages, unless the customer agrees to a substitute service offered by the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune.

In accordance with article L. 211-14, III of the French Tourism Code, Plaine Commune Attractiveness Agency may cancel the contract and reimburse the customer in full for payments made, without any further compensation, if :

When the number of people registered for the tourist service or package is lower than the minimum number indicated in the contract, and SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune notifies the customer of the cancellation of the contract within the time limit set out in the contract, and no later than :

– 20 days before the start of the service if its duration exceeds 6 days,

– 7 days before the start of the service if it lasts between 2 and 6 days,

– 48 hours before the start of the service if it lasts less than 2 days.

Article 13 : Cancellation due to force majeure

The customer and SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune have the right to cancel the contract before the start of the service, without payment of cancellation fees, in the event of cancellation or modification due to force majeure, such as – by way of example but not limitation – the occurrence of a natural disaster, an armed conflict, a labor dispute, an imperative injunction from the public authorities, a transport disruption, an operating accident – i.e. the occurrence of an unforeseeable event, beyond our control, which it is impossible to overcome despite our efforts to do so.

The party invoking force majeure related to any of the aforementioned events must notify the other party by any means in a clear, comprehensible and apparent manner on a durable medium as soon as possible. Where possible, the parties may consult each other prior to performance, to consider in good faith whether the contract should be continued or terminated. The party aggrieved by the non-performance of the obligation prevented by the event in question shall have the right to cancel the service without notice. In application of article 1218 of the French Civil Code, no damages or interest will be due.

Article 14 : Insurance

When you make your reservation, the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune does not suggest that you take out multi-risk or cancellation insurance, and invites you to check that you are covered by the insurer of your choice, which you should contact directly in the event of a claim, in order to initiate the appropriate procedure.

Article 15: Assignment of contract

In accordance with articles L211-11 and R211-7 of the French Tourism Code, the customer may, as long as the contract has not produced any effect, at the latest 7 days before the start of the service and by any means enabling acknowledgement of receipt to be obtained, inform the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune of the transfer of the contract to another person who satisfies all the conditions applicable to this contract and who meets the same conditions as the initial customer for carrying out the service.

In the event of assignment, the customer and the assignee will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the balance of the price as well as any fees, royalties or other additional costs incurred as a result of this assignment. Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will inform the customer of the actual costs of the assignment, which must not be unreasonable or exceed the cost actually incurred by Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune as a result of the assignment of the contract.

Article 16: Intellectual property / photos / illustrations

Any reproduction or commercial or non-commercial use of these elements is strictly forbidden without prior written authorization. The repeated and systematic extraction of protected or unprotected elements from the www.tourisme-plainecommune-paris.com site causing any prejudice whatsoever to SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune or to one of its service providers or suppliers is also prohibited.

Article 17: Contract archiving

Any contract concluded with the customer corresponding to an order of more than 120 euros including tax will be archived by SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune for a period of 10 years in accordance with articles L213-1, R213-1 and R213-2 of the French Consumer Code. SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will archive this information and produce a copy of the contract at the customer’s request.

Article 18: Applicable law, claims and disputes

These CPV are governed by French law.

Any claim relating to a service must be sent within 7 days of the end of the service provided to the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune by e-mail Page 4 sur 9 with acknowledgement of receipt to infos@plainecommunetourisme.com or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

Once the customer has referred the matter to the group department, and in the absence of a satisfactory response from this department within 60 days, or if the response received is unsatisfactory, the customer may appeal to the Médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage(www.mtv.travel).

If the sale is made online, the customer can use the platform available on the https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr website to settle their dispute.

Any dispute which cannot be settled amicably will be referred exclusively to the TGI of Seine Saint Denis in the case of a legal entity, and in the case of an individual, to the competent court in accordance with article L.141-5 of the French Consumer Code.

Article 19 : Protection of personal data

SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune is likely to collect personal data necessary for the computer processing of your registration, for its follow-up, for the sending of newsletters, promotions and solicitations or within the framework of quality surveys (via e-mails, SMS messages, telephone calls and postal mail). In accordance with the RGPD, you have the right to access, rectify, update, port and delete your personal data at any time, which you can exercise by contacting the data controller by sending an e-mail to webmarketer@plainecommunetourisme.com, or by post to SPL Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, and in both cases by providing proof of your identity.

We reserve the right to use this information to send you the various documents mentioned above, unless you notify us that you wish to limit or object to the processing of your personal data.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.


Article 20 : Prices

In the case of guided tours and guided walks, the prices proposed are global and all-inclusive. They apply to groups of up to 30 people. For groups of 30 or more, an additional guide is required. There is a minimum charge of 10 people per guide. The package includes only the guide’s services. Entrance fees to the sites visited are additional and must be paid directly to the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune. In the case of full-day or half-day packages, a price per person is applied.

The price is calculated on the basis of 20 participants.

If the number of participants is less than 20, a mini group rate of 10 to 19 people will be quoted. The price includes the services of a guide, entrance fees to the monuments visited and, where applicable, a meal or snack. It does not, however, include transportation or meals for the guide and driver.

Supplement for tours in foreign languages on Sundays and public holidays: please contact us. Guided tours and guided walks are led by certified guide-lecturers, except where the tour operator requires its own guide-lecturer, such as, but not limited to, the Stade de France®.

Article 21 : Booking and payment

1 – All reservations are subject to a written request from the customer. A reservation contract is then drawn up in duplicate by the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune. The reservation becomes firm when a copy of the reservation contract, duly signed by the customer and marked “Bon pour accord”, is returned to the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, together with a deposit cheque for 50% of the total cost of the service.

2 – This 50% deposit must be paid no later than one month before the date of the service, and the balance must be paid at least 15 days before the service is to be provided. Failing this, the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune reserves the right to cancel the reservation at the customer’s expense.

3- In the event of cancellation of a tour, the number of participants invoiced will be that communicated to Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune no later than 48 hours before the tour, subject to the above provisions concerning pricing. On the day of the visit, any additional participants accepted will be invoiced additionally by Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune.

4 – In the event of cancellation of a catering service, the number of participants invoiced will be the number communicated to Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune at least 72 hours prior to the date of cancellation.

Article 22 : Cancellation by the customer

All cancellations must be notified in writing to Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune, subject to acknowledgement of receipt indicating that the cancellation has been taken into account. In the event of cancellation by the customer, the amount reimbursed by Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will be calculated as follows:

– Cancellation more than 15 days before the date of the event: €20 will be deducted to cover administration costs.

– Between the 8th and 15th day inclusive: 30% of the price of the service will be retained.

– Between the 5th and 8th day inclusive: 50% will be retained

– Less than 5 days before: the full amount of the service will be due.

In the event that the customer fails to pay the deposit mentioned in the previous article, and the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune fails to exercise its right to cancel, the customer will be liable for the above-mentioned sums.


Article 23: Stade de France® visit

It is hereby specified that the present specific conditions govern exclusively the Services of guided tours, workshops with an animator and free group tours with a fixed schedule, hereinafter referred to as “Tour”. In the event of any contradiction between the general terms and conditions and these specific terms and conditions, the specific terms and conditions shall prevail over the general terms and conditions.

Article 24 : Partner availability

Visits take place on the Partners’ opening days during predefined periods, excluding exceptional closures. In the event of an imperative circumstance inherent in the operation of a Partner, or a safety, technical or artistic constraint, the initial itinerary of the Visit may be modified on the same day, without this giving entitlement to any reimbursement or compensation on the part of Cultival.

For example, Cultival cannot guarantee systematic access to the scenic areas of concert halls (Palais Garnier, Seine Musicale…).

Except in exceptional circumstances, visits do not entitle visitors to queue-cutting privileges. Cultival cannot be held responsible for waiting times caused by high attendance.

Article 25 : Group capacity

The number of visitors per group is defined for each Site, with a minimum number of invoices and a maximum number of visitors. This information is given in the sales documents and on www.cultival.fr for the year indicated. The maximum number of visitors may be modified on an exceptional basis with the agreement of the Site and the Customer, as long as this does not jeopardize the smooth running of the Visit. The total capacity of the group must be confirmed by the Customer at the time of booking confirmation, i.e. 15 days before the date of the Event. If the total number of people is revised downwards after payment for the Event, Cultival will not refund the Customer, as long as the minimum invoice amount has been indicated in advance. If the total number of people is revised upwards after payment for the Event, Cultival will ask the Customer for a readjustment, as long as the maximum number of people per group is respected.

Article 26 : Practical information

It is the visitor’s responsibility to take note of the practical information relating to the site or service booked (meeting point, arrival times, prohibitions, site reception procedures, etc.). This information is indicated on the product sheet, on the ticket and in e-mails sent prior to the visit. Cultival cannot be held responsible for any consequences should a visitor fail to take note of this information prior to his or her visit.

Article 27: Times and delays

It is imperative to respect the appointment times indicated on the CounterMark. In the event of lateness, the Customer may be refused access to the Site, without this being grounds for postponement or reimbursement of the Event.

If the latecomer is accepted, the initial duration of the Event may be reduced by the same amount, without this constituting grounds for partial reimbursement.

It is imperative for the Customer to arrive at the meeting point on the day of the Event, armed with his/her voucher. In case of delay, a hotline number is indicated on the counterfoil. As the agency is closed at weekends (from Friday 5pm to Monday 9.30am), the service can only be reached on this number.

Please note: only emergencies will be dealt with (delays, inability to attend a visit, etc.).

Article 28: Health and safety rules

Certain Sites have specific health and/or safety conditions. The Customer must take into account the information relating to safety and health rules indicated on the product sheets for the services available on www.cultival.fr and/or on the Customer’s Card.

Cultival’s lecturers or the Partner’s teams reserve the right to refuse to take on anyone who does not comply with these rules, or whose condition is not compatible with the attention required by the tour. No refund or compensation may be claimed in this respect.

The Sites reserve the right to check the contents of customers’ bags and, if necessary, to confiscate objects considered dangerous, without any right of return to the owner. Cultival cannot be held responsible in this case. Identification may also be requested on site.

Article 29 : Cancellation and refund conditions

Group tours: 100% refund if cancellation or downgrading of the number of people to 15 days or more; no refund below.

Refunds will be made in the form of a credit note. Conditions of force majeure, as defined in the article of the General Terms and Conditions, do not constitute exceptional circumstances that cancel these refund conditions. The same applies to delays on the part of the customer.

Weather conditions, strikes, demonstrations, traffic disruptions and other force majeure events as defined in article 13 of the present terms and conditions do not constitute exceptional circumstances that cancel these refund conditions.


The cruise product, offered on its own or as part of a tourist circuit, is subject to special conditions of sale specific to the service providers concerned, which the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will provide to the customer when the booking contract is drawn up, as well as to these general conditions for what is not included in the special conditions.

Article 30 : Prices

A price per person is applied. The price is calculated on the basis of 50 participants.

If the number of participants is less than 50, invoicing may not be less than 50 times the rate per person. In the case of a package tour, the price does not include transfers between sites, or lock-crossing fees, which must be paid in addition at the end of the tour.

Article 31 : Booking and payment

Please refer to articles 20 and 21 of the “General and special conditions of sale for guided tours, guided walks and sightseeing tours”.

Article 32: Form of payment conditions between professionals on an invoice

By cheque or bank or postal transfer payable to “Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune”, net 30 days after receipt. Penalty rate payable from receipt of invoice in the event of non-payment: 10.07 (legal rate plus 5 points).

Fixed indemnity for collection costs in the event of late payment: €40.


Article 33: Guided tours at the Puces de Saint-Ouen

Groups of 7 or more (including children and excluding guides) must reserve a two-hour time slot on the website of the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune: www.tourisme-plainecommuneparis.com.

Tour slots are open from Saturday to Monday, 11am to 4pm, and are subject to a €30 per-group talk fee.

On the day of the visit, the guide must go to the Information Point located at 124 rue des Rosiers – 93400 Saint-Ouen. Badges will be issued to participants, allowing them access to the Paul Bert-Serpette, Dauphine and Biron markets.

If it has not been possible to make a reservation in advance of the visit, it will be possible to obtain the right to speak at the Information Point, and to pay the amount of the right to speak on the spot in cash or by credit card.

In the event of cancellation by the customer less than 48 hours before the scheduled date, no refund will be made. An exchange is possible within 3 months of the date of cancellation.


Article 34 : Individual guided tours

Guided tours for individuals are neither exchangeable nor refundable, except in the event of cancellation by the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune.

Appendix 1: Part D Standard information form for contracts relating to a travel service covered by article L. 211-1, paragraph 2 of the French Tourism Code, excluding those covered by paragraphs 1 and 2 of article L. 211-7 of the same code.

If you purchase this travel service, you will benefit from the rights granted by the French Tourism Code. The Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune will be entirely responsible for the proper execution of the travel service. In addition, as required by law, Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune has protection to refund your payments should the association become insolvent.

For more information on your rights:

Article L. 211-1 of the French Tourism Code

Article L.211-7 of the same code

By clicking on the hyperlink, the traveler will receive the following information:

Essential rights under the Tourism Code :

Travelers will receive all essential information about the travel service before concluding the travel contract.

Both the service provider and the retailer are responsible for the proper execution of the travel service.

Travelers will be provided with an emergency telephone number or point of contact to reach the service provider or retailer.

Travelers may assign their travel service to another person, subject to reasonable notice and possible payment of additional fees.

The price of the travel service may only be increased if specific costs increase and if this possibility is explicitly provided for in the contract, and in any case may not be changed less than twenty days before the start of the trip. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the travel service, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction in the event of a reduction in the corresponding costs.

Travelers may cancel the contract without paying any cancellation fees, and receive a full refund of payments made, if any essential element of the contract, other than the price, undergoes a significant change. If, before the start of the service, the professional responsible cancels it, travelers may obtain a refund and compensation, if applicable.

Travelers may cancel the contract without paying a cancellation fee before the start of the service in the event of exceptional circumstances, for example if there are serious safety problems at the destination that are likely to affect the trip.

In addition, travelers may cancel the contract at any time before the start of the trip, subject to payment of an appropriate and justifiable cancellation fee.

If, after the start of the trip, important elements of the trip cannot be provided as planned, appropriate alternative services must be offered to travelers at no extra charge and the service provider does not remedy the problem.

Travelers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation in the event of non-performance or poor performance of the travel service.

The service provider or retailer must provide assistance if the traveler is in difficulty. If the service provider or retailer becomes insolvent, the amounts paid will be refunded. Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune has taken out insolvency protection with APST.

Travellers may contact this organization: APST – 15 avenue Carnot, 75017 Paris cedex – info@apst.travel – 01 44 09 25 35 if they are refused services due to the insolvency of the Société Publique Locale Agence d’Attractivité de Plaine Commune.

[Website where you can consult the Tourism Code].
