424924 20241016 A093e2210 Ph Guignard Ph.guignard Air Images.netdirection De Lobservatoire Territorial Photographer Philippe Guignard Air Images424924 20241016 A093e2210 Ph Guignard Ph.guignard Air Images.netdirection De Lobservatoire Territorial Photographer Philippe Guignard Air Images
©424924 20241016 A093e2210 Ph Guignard Ph.guignard Air Images.netdirection De Lobservatoire Territorial Photographer Philippe Guignard Air Images|Ph.Guignard/air-images.net

Discover Plaine Commune!

A rich and surprising territory!

At the gateway to Paris, Plaine Commune reveals a heritage in dialogue with contemporary creation, from historic sites to dazzling street art. Parks and gardens offer bubbles of nature in the heart of the city. Artisans, artists and local players share their unique know-how. Each neighborhood reveals a unique facet of a territory in motion.
